CES Archive

Store 1TB Data with 4 High End Flash Cards from Lexar

Lexar has announced the High End Flash cards, at CES 2014, which store upto 256GB data, making 1TB data within a your pocket using 4 flash cards!. Lexar has introduced the support for new CFast 2.0 format for high-end flash memory cards, like the SanDisk, with a whooping data rate nearing 0.5GBps. Also there is

Typos Blackberry Bluetooth Keyboard for iPhone5S and 5C

One of the best feature of Blackberry phones is their awesome QWERTY keyboard!. It works a great deal in helping your type your texts and email messages very quickly as you do with your computer keyboards! Even though most of the touch phones provide very good intuitive on screen touch keypads, they cant match up

Wall-E like living room monitoring sensor

Ever wondered a device which look alike the robots in Wall-E movie, monitor your home for movements around. There is a wifi enabled device named ‘Mother Cookie’ from a Russian company,  which does the home monitoring for you! Watch the video below for more details.