currency converter Archive

Use Google as a Currency Converter

You know that Google is anything more than a mere search engine. You can even use Google to find out current time in any place in this world. And lot more. Here is another useful way to make Google to work as a currency converter. You can view the current currency conversion rates with a

Download Currency Converter with Live Rate for Mobile

Currency converter is a very useful application for Mobile phones as with Desktop PC. Important feature of a currency converter is the conversion factor value should be the latest and live, so that the user will get exact conversion rates. This will help users in trading with foreign exchanges and agencies. The software Currency Converter

Free desktop currency converter for windows

Desktop Currency Converter is a free and easy to use currency converting software for Windows based machines. It converts the currencies by automatically downloading the latest exchange rates on startup. Desktop Currency Converter can convert 55 world currencies and this can also be used as a desktop calculator.This software also allows cut, copy and paste