How to avoid common mistakes in website design

Web site design is important for the promotion of your product or business. It can help you bring in more potential users or customers. There are few common mistakes you must avoid in web site design.

Essential points to remember while designing a website are:

1. Avoid usage of inconsistent fonts and colors: Try to stick to the required font family according to the niche of website content. You must not use a comic sans font in a business website!.

2. Avoid text high lighting: Text highlighting, if not properly done will distract and may irritate the viewers.

3. Avoid Marquee, scrolling and blinking texts: Moving texts are difficult to catch up, that will create unnecessary distraction from the actual content.

4. Do not use flash animations if not necessary: Flash animations need to be done very professionally, well tailored according to your product, business and niche.

5. Avoid cluttering of the page: Cluttering will create tough time for a viewer to catch up the required content and information. So make it neat and readable.

6. Do not add surprise sounds, always disable sounds by default and give an option for the user to ON/OFF sound.

7. Avoid slow loading images or progress bar: Do not test the patience of your customers, remember they always have options.

This has been compiled from mintleaf.

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