How to build like website is one of the most famous social voting and sharing website. Its very good platform for news sharing and promotion. Here is very simple way to create your own like website.

In order build clone website, you need to choose a content management system that would support social sharing and voting mechanism.

You can achieve same by using wordpress voting and sharing plugins. But, a better option would be using a standalone CMS that is exclusively meant for social voting, sharing and community building. 

The best option would be Pligg.


Pligg provides essential utilities for creating your own like website. You can have customizable templates and many utility plug-ins.

And, of course its free, opensource and built with php and MySQL.

Download latest Pligg CMS. Also, you can get free Pligg templates from pligg2u.

Related: Create you own social networking site for anything!

One Response to “How to build like website”
  1. Dora December 1, 2015

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