Email Archive
Yahoo mail free version doesn’t come with a HTTPS security enabled by default. You need to change the mail settings to enable the use of HTTPS method for email. Use of HTTPS in mail ensures that your Yahoo mails cannot be read by a hacker who can sniff packets from your network. Follow the steps
Yahoo changed the game of email storage by fixing unlimited to 1 Terabytes of capacity for storing the emails for free accounts. You have plenty of space available now to keep all your emails at one place, and even to backup your data. In the first quarter of 2013 Yahoo had upgraded the free storage
I was in a notion that it’s almost impossible for a new email service provider to get an edge in the e-mail service providing sector, where big players like Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Lycos are already dominated. But I knew that a well coordinated and planned advertising can make anything possible. World’s smallest email id service
If your friends and colleagues send you a lot of photos and documents its very difficult and tiring effort to download them one by one. We would prefer to have the attachments downloaded as a single file. Now you can achieve this easy attachment bulk download with Yahoo Mail. You can see a “Download All”
Mozilla released Thunderbird 2.0 is with a bunch of great features. Thunderbird is the best chosen free email client for most of the people. And with the release of its version 2.0 more people will be attracted to this award winning email client, because of its Great features. Have a look at these new features
AOL has started new mail service for India,, which is absolutely a free email service.It has cool and intuitive mail interface. Also your mailbox is well integrated with your addressbook, calendar, To Do lists and many more to come. Its very good example for Web 2.0 compliant mail service. You don’t have to traverse
Mozilla has made developer preview release of Thunder Bird 2 Beta, the next generation email client. It primarily targets testing community in this release. New Features in Thunder Bird 2 Beta are: Message Tags: You can create your own tags for organizing email. Messages can be assigned any number of tags. Tags can be combined
Topica to Offer TRUSTe’s Email Privacy Seal Program to its Customers Topica Inc., a leading provider of online lead generation and conversion solutions, today announced a partnership agreement with TRUSTe, a non-profit organization committed to online privacy. Using TRUSTe’s “We Don’t Spam” seal, an email privacy seal program and certification, qualified Topica customers can ensure