Create Your on Online Forums using phpBB

What is phpBB? phpBB is a high powered, fully scalable, and highly customizable Open Source bulletin board package. phpBB has a user-friendly interface, simple and straightforward administration panel, and helpful FAQ. Based on the powerful

Lotus Web Conferencing

IBM Lotus Web Conferencing provides a new alternative for organizations looking to use Web conferencing to reduce costs, improve sales, share information, and make faster decisions. Sharing the same technology as IBM’s market-leading Web conferencing

Mac run Microsoft Office

These days, who doesn’t use Microsoft Office at least some of the time? People all over the world use Excel, PowerPoint and Word. On Macs, too. With Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac OS X, you

Fine tune Firefox

Change language on web pages Some web sites offer content in multiple languages. You can choose several languages in Firefox and they will be treated in order of priority. In order to change the priority,

Run Firefox from removable media

This advanced tip makes it possible to run Firefox from removable media, such as a USB memory stick. This will allow you to run Firefox with your personal settings from any computer, even those that